Sunday, February 20, 2011

I Want My Big Box of Crayons…

The two-month mark is approaching, tomorrow, February 21.  I have my next appointment on Wednesday with the orthopedist.   I’m feeling all of this anticipation and angst.  Wednesday is so close, yet so far.  The word is; if my fracture has healed, then I’ll leave with a walking cast.  I’m not big on the whole prayer thing…but pray for me.  I need to move on to the next phase!!!!
Thank you March issue of Dance Magazine.  For those of you that don’t read Dance Magazine, it has been in existence since 1927 mostly following ballet and modern dance, keeping you up to date on different dance companies, the latest dance trends and upcoming events.  In this issue there’s an article titled “So You Think You Can…Back Flip?”  Validation!!!!!  Thank you Dance Mag for this article.  It talks about how dancers need to be more versatile in order to land all types of gigs.   The first line of this article has inspired the title of this post, “Dancers today are expected to operate with a full box of crayons, not just a single color. “  It goes on to say, “Versatility is synonymous with marketability…Dancers who train outside their comfort zone multiply opportunities for networking and auditions.”  This is the reason I put myself at risk.  I want to be able to do everything.  My mother is going to cringe when she reads this, but…I won’t let fear stop me.  I’ve learned that I’m human, and can get hurt.  I continue to dream of the things I’m going to do once I’m up and running : )       
Here’s a cute picture of me at work.  Last week, an old woman approached me at the gym and said, “You’d make a great picture.”  I was like, “Excuse me?”  Then she explained that I should have a picture taken with my crutches and shirt that says PERSONAL TRAINER across the back.   Good idea lady!  I’m giving you credit. 
Lastly, the video accompanying this post is one lap in the pool.  Take note of my left leg and how it’s trailing behind my right, yet still going!  I’m shocked to see how well it moves considering my condition.  It’s an amazing workout for me because it’s one of the few ways I can get my heart rate up.  It’s low impact cardio, meaning less pressure on the joints, the water acts as a resistance, and it helps increase the range of motion in my ankle.  I consider it PPT (pre physical therapy).

Two months down, _______  to go.


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